Friday, July 30, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday

  1. This week me and the teens are all volunteering for bible school. While VBS is never easy it is always a great experience in the end. I am teaching a craft where we are making mexican mats and keychains. Hope to have pictures up soon
  2. money loss is money found at our house right now. WE just lost a source of income that will set us back a ways but thank goodness we always have a prepared budget with cracks that allows us to adjust if needed. While things will be rough it can be done
  3. Did anyone catch Oprah when she had individuals on that called theirselves freegans? This was a very informative show. I was suprised that our ladies group so many were talking about it
  4. My youngest daughter attended her college orientation. She is so excited and will start school in less that 2 weeks. SO proud of her she has struggled but keeps going.
  5. There is a big six flag trip coming up for the youth at our church my children will be attending I am debating on going or not. The cost is nominal but the heat and my feet are what I worry about.
  6. Tommorow is the first big shopping trip for the month of August. There are several new things on the list which states that it is back to school time.
  7. I recently was paid $30 from sponsored tweets. It really does pay off. YEAH!!!!>


  1. dropping by here! Have a great weekend!

  2. hey ang think you need to fix the shoppin month its august not jus thought id let you kno


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