Friday, June 4, 2010

Week in Reflection

This week has went by quite fast with teens leaving, heart ache and breakups for some and great deals I found at the store.
  1. The week started with me going shopping and I had so much fun there were so many great deals to be found
  2. My son packed for his mission trip this week and has left. I am so proud of him and he is having such a great time. I have to say that he is the only one in the family to go to a different country so that is so great. I pray that those he meets will be open to the message and that he will have enjoy his trip as well.
  3. I had a wonderful phonecall from Princess the other day . It seems that she is loving the outside. She is so much like her mommy always wanting to be outside
  4. My hubby hooked up the original Nintendo in the living room and the kids are loving it. Going back to games like donkey kong, mario brothers, centiped, and pac man seems so retro but always so much fun
  5. I am really thankful to hubby this week he has been so helpful. He is feeling so much better and if he can get is sugar under controll he will be doing great. Thank you babe I love you.
  6. The pool is not as big as the kids wanted but it saved money and will still get them wet. I hope to get it up later this week.
  7. Last but surely not the least is the fact that my youngest daughter had a life event. She broke up with her boy friend. She was upset about it but I think she is finally getting over it. She is so young (only 18) that I know that the right young man and her will be together one day.

What was your week like?

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