Saturday, June 5, 2010

My quiet moment of peace

This morning as I sit here playing a game on the internet and blogging a bit I notice how quite it is in this house. I am the only one up and besides my T.V there is no other noise. I can hear the cars passing outside, the neighbor as he mows his yard, the people down the street as they begin to build their porch and my husband as he softly snores. Oh the peace in this moment is worth getting up a bit early even if I would not have been up if the alarm was not accidently set. I think how I used to get up at the crack of dawn and go to work. Those were great days and I always enjoyed the beauty in a sunny warm morning. So as I sit here and think of the six word phase I will share I come to the conclusion that it will be:

Loving this precious moment of peace


  1. ~it truly is a beautiful moment in time...i rise far before any other in my home to simply savor the waking hours...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. I love getting up in the mornings before anyone else too! It's such a peaceful and relaxing time.

  3. My 6:

    The peace of the early morning!

    Wishing you a Happy Six Word Saturday!


    PS Mine this week is HERE.

  4. I love to get up early for that very reason!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post