Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fishers of Men

Tomorrow my son will leave on a mission trip with his youth group. They are going to an area where the church is not looked highly upon. The week they will be in their location he will be part of a large group putting on a gigantic block party. I pray that those that he meets are welcome to the fun and the message that is being sent. That they are receptive and a seed is planted, one that will grow and be led by our heavenly father. The lord has called upon this group to be fishers of men.


  1. I will pray for your son. God bless his work and keep him safe. I pray for favor as well.

  2. That's awesome. I will keep him in my prayers, too.

  3. I will pray for your son. I love that graphic.

  4. I will pray for your son! I love this picture!

  5. I'll be praying too!
    happy WFW!


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