Friday, June 18, 2010

Aloha Friday

Aloha Friday a day of ease in Hawaii where they take it easy to prepare for busy weekend. That is what the host of Aloha Friday Kailani from the blog An Island Life had in mind when she created Aloha Friday. Bloggers like you and me can ask easy questions and other bloggers can give easy answers.
This week I have been thinking a lot about fathers and fathers day. There have been many male figures to teach my children lessons. Individuals such as adults from church, coaches, teachers, friends, uncles, grandpas and the list goes on. All of these men are special to my children and I want to thank each of them for teaching life lessons. SO my question for you today is:
Did you have any special individuals in your life that helped to teach you lessons in life? If you would like to share stories would love to hear them


  1. Just by the very nature of my father, I learned a ton of lessons. He had a disability and I doubt he would have been the kind, generous, patient, and loving man he was without it.

  2. My mom taught me that no matter how hard you have you never lose focus on what it more important, such as love and family.

  3. I actually think in 3 short years I have learned the most about life through my children... besides the usual unconditional love, patience and appreciation for the little things I have learned to be a much more comfident and assertive person for the sake of my children. They have a rare medical condition and it has really shown me how blessed we are that they are healthy and to celebrate and be aware of disabilities and differences. I never imagined that I would fight everyday to maintain my children's brain health.

  4. I try to learn something all the time, so many people who have touched my lives have taught me lessons.

    Thanks and please come visit our new PR blog and enter the giveaway. - thanks!! =D


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