Friday, June 4, 2010

Aloha Friday: Can you Spell?

Aloha Friday is the day in Hawaii where they take it easy to prepare for the weekend. So the meme Aloha Friday follow suits and is where bloggers ask each other easy to answer questions.

With all the excitement I have been seeing on T.V. over the spelling bee I started thinking how I would do. Now I can not spell worth anything and I am so happy to know that I can have spell check on the computer. I miss it when ever I need to write with pen and paper. My son on the other hand was the spelling champ at his school. He is a wonderful speller but there are talents that he lacks as well. My daughter spells like me but is majorly talented at art and yet another child of mine is terrific at math. We all have our own talents which leads me to my question.
What was your favorite subject in school or where is your talent?


  1. It fascinates me that different people are so great at different things-It gives the world some variety :)

    I would say my favorite subject in school was English because I was so darn good at it!

    But my talent...Hm. My talent came with writing-I'm one MEAN paper writer ;)

    Happy Friday!

  2. Mine was geography and I'm right there with you. I can't spell good for anything. I've always heard that is a sign of a genius...wishful thinking LOL Have a great weekend :)

  3. Mine was probably maths or English - definitely not art!

  4. My favorite subject in school was English and Literature classes.

    My kids do not really do good in spelling at all.

  5. Math and science are my thing.

  6. I didnt like any of the required subjects. I did however love Drama class and Ceramics Class!

  7. My favorite subject was Math. I like how everything was logical and added up nicely in the end.


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