Saturday, May 15, 2010

TSMSS Graduation Day

Today is graduation day for two of my teens. Today I watch them grow just a bit more and become high school graduates. I am proud of them and wish them well and hope that all goes their way in life. There will be happy times, tough times, sad times, and times where they don't know which way to turn. My hopes for them is that they keep in their memory the fact that they have a friend who is closer than a brother and always ready and waiting when they don't have the answer he all ready knows it.


  1. Congrats to the graduates. Great videos for them :)

  2. Amen and Congratulations to the Graduates! :)

  3. Nothing like Rascal Flatts!

    Congratulations graduates!

    Blessings and love,

  4. beautiful news,
    Happy Saturday!
    Enjoy A Festive Celebrations!

  5. Congrats to your graduates! I wish them luck and happiness in all they do!


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