Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tips for Adults with ADHD

I am one of the many adults that find their selves struggling with keeping on task. I am an adult with ADHD. Having ADHD I have to constantly find ways to keep myself on task and concentrate to get the job done. Every Day shared an article for all those with adult ADHD and tips that can help them. Some of the tips include
  • Break the job into smaller steps. I do this for my children and I think this makes lots of sense. Breaking the job into smaller steps allows me to see that I am getting somewhere and that progress is being made. It stops some of the frustration
  • Make lists, this I do and can contribute to my mother who was one of the best list makers I have ever met. She had a list for everything. As I use my list I can see things getting down, without it things either do not get done or I get frustrated because it seems I am not getting any where
  • Schedules - something that I have did for years schedules for everything the kids, housework, homework, etc. etc.....

To read more of this article go here

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I am an adult with "undiagnosed" ADHD...but MAN, I have all the symptoms. Hubby was on Ritalin as a child, and I believe him to still be ADHD. And our ADHD one ADD. I am a list maker...everything goes on a list or I can't remember, concentrate, or finish one thing. LOL


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