Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful to All Who Gave All

Today as I think about all that I am thankful for my thoughts go back to my childhood and Memorial day when I was a kid. I was lucky enough to grow up in a neighborhood and small town that taught many values. We grew up to respect our elders, taught to respect the flag and respected those that gave all. From the stories my parents told me and the veterans that would group together at hardware stores I learned a lot. I learned that all though we may not have known each and every soldier that did not come back home to their family that they were part of our family because we were Americans. As I grew up I came to realize this even more when I saw boys my children age sign up to head to the military and saw some not return back home. How their parents grieved, the city grieved, the entire area grieved because they gave all. So today I tip my hat and salute those that protected our freedoms and came home to demonstrate to us care and support of our country and for those that gave all and their families they left to early in life I say Thank You.


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