Friday, May 21, 2010

Garden Pasta Salad

My frugal tip today is to eat out of your garden. We did this as a child and still do this even today with my own family. From corn on the cob to leaf lettuce you can eat something out of the garden every day. Here is a great recipe to get you started.

Garden Pasta Salad

1 1/2 cup elbow or small shell macaroni
1 large tomato, diced
1 cup zucchini, chopped
1/3 cup bottled Italian dressing
2 tsp parsley, chopped
1/8 tsp black pepper

Boil water with a small amount of salt in a large pan. Cook pasta until tender, stirring occasionally. Drain pasta and allow to cool slightly. Place pasta, diced tomatoes, and chopped zucchini in a large serving bowl. Add dressing to moisten. Toss lightly. Add parsley and black pepper, toss lightly. Serve warm or cold.


  1. We planted a small garden. This is our first time, so we're really hoping it "works"! haha! We planted a few tomato plants, a few zucchini, a couple cucumbers....if this year works for us, we'll do bigger next summer!

    Hoping to "eat from our garden" and save lots of money on produce!

    Your pasta salad recipe sounds yummy!

  2. Yummy! :)Our zucchini and squash are about an inch long. Won't be long now.

    Besides saving money, I love getting to teach my daughter where food really comes from (i.e. not the Wal-Mart shelf!)

    She tried her first taste of mint fresh from the garden and begged for more candy!


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