Friday, May 28, 2010

Aloha Friday:

Wow this week has definetly went very fast and once again it is Friday. Friday is the day to participate in Aloha Friday hosted by the blog An Island Life where bloggers join together to participate in an easy meme styled after the way fridays are seen in Hawaii. Hawaii is seen as a day of relaxation to get ready for the weekend in Hawaii so bloggers participate in Aloha Friday by asking simple questions that require simple answers.
This Memorial Day will find us remembering with others and having a great time at a church picnic. There will be burgers and hotdogs cooked along with all the fixings and the best part in my opinion wonderful desserts. So my question for Aloha Friday is:
Will you be doing anything to celebrate Memorial Day?


  1. We will be visiting cemeteries to visit loved ones who have passed on! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

  2. We will have some family time, but basically the regular grind. My DH is farming and farming is 7 days a week... unless the weather is too miserable.

  3. I will be having a barbecue for my family.

    Happy Friday!

  4. Just laying by some body of water! Can't wait!

  5. Nothing special planned this weekend. Just getting things done around the house and maybe using our Six Flags season passes.

  6. My SIL is finally getting married and we are heading up there.
    Have a great day!

  7. We go up to the cabin on the lake with our family and go boating and tubing and grill out..

  8. Most likely not if hubby has duty and has to work.

  9. We will be getting our house in order. Happy a good weekend!

  10. We will probably be going to an amusement park one of the days. We have a season pass this year.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post