Friday, May 21, 2010

Aloha Friday : weather

Aloha Friday, a meme that is hosted by the blog An Island Life and is set up where bloggers ask easy questions to each other. The reason behind Aloha Friday is the fact that Friday is a day of rest in Hawaii where you take it easy and prepare for the weekend.

Here we go the weatherman is starting to talk about warm weather near the 90s. Temps here have been in the 5os and 60s range and now in just a few days will be muggy in the 90s. Sounds like summer is approaching quickly. So with this in mind I was wondering what the weather was like where you are located so for

Aloha Friday question:

What is weather like where you are located?


  1. Today it will be in the 70's here! It will drop to 50's and 60's in the next few days! It won't go above the 70's yet! I love the weather in these temperatures! Have a great Friday!

  2. high 80s. Today there is a chance of some rain, but it is sunny right now.

  3. Sunny and warm, I think we're about 75 right now but it will go UP! :D

  4. It is about 18C right now...summer time for sure. Today is a high of 25C and sunny. Rain coming in tonight and for tomorrow, but then nothing but sunshine and highs around 26 - 29C! Yeah for summer:)

  5. Rain today then a warm front is coming through and I'm going to be forced to put the a/c on.

    Have a great Friday!

  6. Right now it is 75 degrees and it will probably go up to 80.

  7. It's 65 here and drizzling rain right now and supposed to rain all weekend. :(

    See mine here.

  8. Well so far cloudy and wet...I wonder what has happened to spring!

  9. Hot at 92 and a bit muggy. I do believe rain is coming our way though to ruin the weekend!

  10. Ours is cloudy today. Oh well I'm working so no biggy to me :)

  11. Warm around the 70's with very light sprinkles & cloudy. I really don't care much for Ohio weather it's bi-polar..

  12. The weather is a little crazy right here (Puerto Rico). Most of the week was sunshine but today start to rain again.

    Have a great weekend.

    PS: Did you prepare all those yummy recipes at your house?


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post