Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thirteen Things I look forward to this spring

The weather is warmer and it brings to thought many of my old hobbies and task that I loved to do:
  1. gardening both flower and veggies
  2. pressing wild flowers
  3. walking in the woods
  4. mushroom hunting
  5. fishing
  6. biking
  7. taking romantic strolls with my hubby
  8. playing sports
  9. sitting on the porch with glass of lemonade
  10. camping
  11. fresh breeze coming in an open window
  12. how pretty the trees with buds are
  13. eating fresh produce out of my own garden as well as what dear friends share

That is my list of 13 what are yours? You can share here


  1. I can't wait to start planting some veggies, do some fishing,camping and just enjoy an afternoon walk.
    I love Spring!!!

  2. i also cannot wait to get the fresh from the garden produce.

  3. This is a great list. The warmer weather has arrived, but will it stay?


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