Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful for Winds are Changed

I am so thankful for all that the Lord has provided for me. For the great things that I have on and off line, for the little ways all seem to work out, and for the great family that I belong to I am so super happy to have so much in my life to be thankful for. As I sit at my desk and hear the warm winds howl I begin to think about the changes in life and how they swiftly blow in.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Changes that will see my children leaving home and going to do their own thing soon will come. I have taught them the best that I can and I know that they love the Lord and have a good relationship with him. The above verse says it so well. I may not go with them but my Lord will always be with them. For that I am always thankful.

I am thankful that five out of my six children have completed or nearly completed 12 years of schooling. I am so thankful for all those that added the little encouragement, the graciousness that we often saw and the friendships that we made along the way. Seeing my children graduate for school is priceless and something that I give the credit to my Lord above.

I am thankful for the choices that my children make. Not letting others to tell them how to do it or confirming to the world but showing love to others including their selves when they make the decisions they do. My son is taking a young lady to the prom a preachers daughter who is very involved in the ministry. My son has always felt the pull to ministry as well and this combination of friends and dates I feel was put together through prayer. For this I thank my Lord as well.

What are you thankful for? Share them or add yours here


  1. I loved to read your "TT" list.....
    It is for sure amazing to see God's leading and blessing in our kids there life...
    I'm coming back for some great recipies i discovered on your blog..
    Happy TT

  2. Happy TT! What lovely kids you have. You are truly blessed!

  3. Thank God for blessing your children. They are such precious gifts from God. May God continue bless your children. Have a great weekend!

    Warm regards,


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