Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday 9

1. Tell us about the last time you really got hurt.
when I pulled my back at work was my last physical hurt but emotionally it is dealing with all the changes that the teens are making sometimes disagree sometimes agree but always love them

2. What's your oldest possession?
I have several different antiques in the house

3. Do you have any phobias?
yes of heights for sure

4. What values did your parents instill in you?
great morals of being a good girl, Christian and caring for others

5. What are your plans for Easter?
we are actually going to church then having a birthday party for my daughter, easter egg hunt and cook out

6. I like sun more than snow.
yes i do i like to be warm

7. Tell us about 3 fads from your teenage years.
leg warmers, boom boxes, and mini skirts

8. Tell us what is the most important attribute in a lover.
understanding each other

9. What new piece of technology have you resisted buying and what would it take for you to change your mind?
touch screen computer lower price is the only way that I would buy so looks like I will be waiting a while


  1. You must be an 80's girl with the leg warmers, boom boxes and mini skirts. Oh what would people think if we carried around boom boxes these days. LMAO

  2. Your plans for Easter sound great! Enjoy the day. Happy Easter, Angie...

  3. Nice Easter plan my friend. I just before starting to read the blogs went on the Dell website and looked at their touch screen laptop. It is expensive but so cool :) Happy Easter to you and your family :)


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