Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

This week has been a time to reflect on the past, enjoy the warmer weather, and have good time with new and old friends. My son spent a few hours in the ER with a pulled muscle in his back and then I was there again with my daughter who is having some gallbladder problems. Never know what to expect here I guess I thought it was bad when they were little but now it seems like we are back at that every day is a mystery.

East time is here and last Sunday Princess attended an Easter Egg hunt she was not quite sure what to do with the eggs as she would pick them up but then not put them in the basket. I think she thought if she picked them up they were hers and if she put them in the basket it was sort of like putting them away. LOL

The nephews will be back today. They have been away visiting their grandma for a few days and while I think their mom and dad enjoyed the break they are ready for them to come back home again as well. Just in time for Easter as their mom has lots of great plans for them

I won a Princess Party to go on the blog 3 Kids and Us and was so very suprised. Last night I tried the tutu on my niece and she looked adorable. There were 4 tutus 2 of which were blue and 2 of which were purple my niece will get two and Princess will get two as well.

Well those are my fragments from this week what are yours? Share them here


  1. Yay for Easter!!!

    Hope your kids are feeling better with the individual ailments very soon!!

    Those tutu's sound adorable!!

  2. Great fragments. Hope the kids are all doing well :)


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