Friday, April 30, 2010

Flowers for Mom and Prom Dates

Flower corsages to me remind me of two things (1) Prom and (2) Mothers Day. My mother always had a lovely corsage for mothers day my father always made sure of it when he was here and this year I will be buying her one. It is a moment of pride for her. I also love the beautiful wristlets for Prom we went and bought 2 of them for Prom this year and tommorow we will get the other one. I thought I would share some beautiful pictures of wristlets that I found while browsing today:

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  1. Oh those are so pretty!! I too always remember the corsage for mother's day. Around here, if your mother is alive you wear red, but if your mom has passed on, you wear a white corsage. Now, I get my mom some kind of plant for her patio or something she can plant and continue enjoying after Mother's Day is over.


  2. Flowers
    are the most beautiful creation of nature. Flowers can be used to make anything beautiful. But I really did not know that flowers can be used as ornaments and they look extremely beautiful.


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