Monday, April 12, 2010

Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame with giveaway

Have you ever known anyone who shines in the dark when all seems gloomy. Have you ever known a person who has a heart of gold and seems to be a hero? The Energizer company wants to honor these individuals in the Energizer keep going hall of fame. What an honor it would be to honor an individual that is so worthy of praise. Now through April 23 you can honor that special individual you know. Whether that person be a teacher, a friend, someone special in the neighborhood or whoever you know that deserves to be in the Energizer keep going hall of fame. The inductee into the hall of fame will receive $10,000 and $5,000 donation to their charity. To make your nomination follow this link

The energizer company sent me a 24 pack of batteries to give to one of my Annie's Home readers. To enter this giveaway simply share with me someone in your life who deserves this great award.


  1. My sweetie deserves this award. He works so hard.

  2. my sister, she is doing so much while her husband tries to recover from a terrible accident (he just came out of a coma)

  3. My bf deserves this award for being the best man ever!

    kristieslist at

  4. My best friend deserves this award because he works so hard in spite of the fact that my dad can't stand him and he cannot stay in the country more than 6 months at a time.

  5. My boyfriend deserves this. He really is an energizer bunny. He somehow finds the time to play on our college football team, work two jobs, be in multiple honor societies, and still have a 3.5 or higher. I, on the other hand, am doing GREAT to get out of bed in the morning!

  6. My mom definitely deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. She works harder than anyone I know and I really look up to her for her energy to keep going! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  7. My mom deserves to be nominated. I have three brothers and three sisters and there are 19 grandchildren. My mom still insists on hosting all the holidays at her house. That's a lot of people to cook and clean for! I wish I had half her energy!
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  8. my son is the best, even if he is dog tired he just keeps going and doing anything i ask.

  9. My 13 yr old daughter deserves this award. She was admitted to the ICU last week with a grim outlook. She was released today. She is a fighter and keeps going and going. Proud of you Ryzz!!! I knew you would make it!
    karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com

  10. My hubby deserves this award, he works hard, long hours, never calls in sick, never takes a day off and always makes it to the kids
    hockey and gymnastic events.
    reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca

  11. My DH deserves this award, he climbs telephone poles in all kinds of nasty weather, works overtime to help put our daughter through collage and (almost)never complains. He has been a telephone man for over 35yrs. He is my hero...thanks,

  12. My husband has the best work-ethic of anyone I have ever known. He constantly works extremely hard plus he exercises several hours each day! He certainly belongs in the Energizer Keep Going Hall of Fame!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  13. My best friend Shelley. She has a son with leukemia and just lost her husband to lung cancer on 1.18.10. She keeps going and going and always has a smile on her face.

  14. My husband deserves this award for taking care of his dying mother.


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