Monday, April 26, 2010

Butter Pie

Mouthwatering Mondays

hosted by the blog A Southern Fairy Tale

Butter Pie

found in a home town cookbook the recipe was first shared in 1890. This delicous recipe is one that can easily be made and with ingredients that we often have on hand

1 1/2 c sugar

2/3 t cinnamon

1 1/2 c milk, use 1 small can of milnot mix in enough regular milk to make 1 1/2 cups

1/3 c + 2 level T flour

1/2 stick margarine

9 inch unbaked pie shell

Mix sugar, flour, milk and cinnamon Mix Pour into unbaked pie shell dot with butter over top of pie Bake at 450 degrees 15 minutes reduce heat to 325 bake for 30 minutes


  1. Gosh, that sounds so easy - I'm definitely going to have to give it a try! It sounds a bit like the custard tart we have here in England, but much, much less difficult to make!


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