Friday, April 9, 2010

Aloha Friday: Rebellion

Its Friday and in Hawaii that means that is a day to take it easy. That is why the blog An Island Life host the meme Aloha Friday. A day for all bloggers to come together, take it easy, ask simple questions and answer without a lot of thought.
My question this week has to do with my teens. As the weather gets warmer rebellion I believe becomes more and more real. So my question for you is:
was you a rebellious teen? If you have rebellious teens I would love any advice on how to keep them busy so they have less time to get into trouble.


  1. I don't think I was rebellious but I def. had my own ideas of how things should be. Do they have part time jobs? A good way to keep out of trouble and keep them busy.

  2. I was kinda rebellious. Somehow I did something right and I got the only two teens on the planet to not experiment, party etc.

    Have a great Friday!

  3. I was a little rebellious as a teen - and def warmer weather brings it on - haha! I remember it was just so much fun to hang out outside w/ my friends - beach, park, etc - you don't really have the motivation to work, stay in school all day, etc...I don't really have any advice for you though - I don't know what my parents could have done to help me and my kids are all under age 4 - I'm sure I will punished in about 10 years for my behavior as a teen - lol! Have a great Friday :)

  4. I was not rebellious and my 3 teen sons are not rebellious at all. Sorry, I have no advise.

  5. No, I was not rebellious as a teen. Unless you counts little backtalk and little attitude, but other then that I was the good girl.

    My oldest child became a teen 11 days ago so not much experience with rebellion,lol

  6. I probably was a rebellious teen lol I think the best thing to do is explain you only set rules to keep them safe and always listen to their point of view...failing that try hibernating for 5 years :-)

  7. I was neither rebellious nor was my daughter. I have learned with the rebellious daycare kids that FORBIDDING them to do something is the same as asking them to do it.

    Good luck with that.

  8. I was not rebellious at all. My parents were lucky that both my brother and I were really good. Hoping that my boys do the same in 6+ years. Good luck with everything.

  9. I was not - but most of my siblings were. My Mom tried to get them involved with activities. Such as Marching band, cheerleading, etc. And when everyone was 16 (or even 14) you had to get a job.

  10. I was a perfect angel LOL I wish I could give you some advice but I have no kids :) Have a great Friday :)

  11. Teen years, the years to drive parents crazy. I have a teen and we are working on not getting angry at her. She just wants to have it her way. I have no advice because I do not think I am doing that well. she is now mad at me again for the NO word. I tend to say that a lot lately. and when I don't she still gets mad when it doesn't pan out and guess what it is still my fought. I can not seem to get on a good side and stay there long. you asked,lol.
    My Fridays Links for you. This time I have two, Introducing a new type of blog "On The Go". and then AF on my At Home my family blog

  12. NO I wasn't and neither was my son. I was a good kid

  13. No. I was not rebellious at all.

    I read that it's good to get kids involved in organised sports to help them have focus and get into less trouble.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post