Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tips for Taking care of Baby's Teeth

If you are a mommy, daddy, grandparent, or caregiver of a little one they are precious to you. You would do anything to take care of them. Every little aspect including their teeth are important. Parents online shares seven tips to taking care of your child's teeth. Since my own were little we would begin when they were small using a warm washcloth to clean off their gums after taking a bottle. My daughter took care of Princesses teeth and I believe probably better than I did she did wipe the gums, brush the early teeth and most important no bottle at night. You can read the tips that Parents Online shared here.

1 comment:

  1. a good reminder. i will pass it on to my daughter.

    happy saint patrick's day!

    "Oh, he occasionally takes an alcoholiday." - Oscar Wilde

    Wordless Wednesday - Sláinte!


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