Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Thunks

1. Someone knocks on your door. You have not seen this person in years. You were once great friends. Who would you like it to be and why?

I would love it to be my best friend April from highschool. We had the best of times together.

2. What do you think would be a great song title that isn't one? Who do you want to record it?

Thank you mom I want Lee Anne Rhymes to sing this

3. You are having a party. If I'm invited, what should I bring?

bring a great potluck dish as I love to try new foods

4. If your spouse or s/o cheated with a one night stand while away, would you really want to know?

I would hope this would never happen

5. How long does it take for a house guest to drive you bonkers?

depends on who the house guest is

6. If you could pick a new color for the sky, what would you pick?


7. What did you think of the Olympics?

they were very cool

8. Could TT have thought of a lamer blogger that me to guest host?


9. What's the stupidest lie that someone really thought you'd believe?

probably my teens trying to pretend they were sick or one of those emails where my email has won me million of dollars

10. What was the best day you had in high school? Tell us about it.

there were several. Iloved highschool being with friends and hanging out

11. Name something that you have in your home that you are sure most people don't.

I have a large collection of rag dolls as well as large collection of cartoon glasses

12. Why haven't you at least tried to play The Dating Profile Meme?

playing too many all ready

13. Do you think homophobia is a choice?

the choice is to act on it or not.


  1. It really does depend on the guest. I think that's what I said, but in a very crude way! :)

  2. That was by far the best answer to #13 I've heard yet! Good job :)

  3. cartoon glasses? That is pretty cool.


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