Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Random Thought Tuesday, Easter, Spring, and Prom


I have not joined in on the meme Random Tuesday Thoughts for a little bit. But this week I have a lot on my mind:

  • Prom and graduation season will be here soon. I have 2 children that are highschool seniors this year so April and May will be quite busy. That is why I so loved this past weekend where I had 4 of my 6 children with me at a Christian concert. We learned so much about each other and had such a great time together. We met new friends, shared time with old ones and just enjoyed the events that were ongoing
  • There has been so much fussing as of late at my house. My children seem to be changing and while they love each other as always the events of them growing up and changing is leaving the effects of stress in our paths. They are all heading in such different directions. There will be 2 different colleges and still the highschool my husband will still be in.
  • The weather outside has been warmer as of late. It is so welcoming. I look forward to getting in the yard and working. I love the warmer days and with DST the days are longer as well
  • Palm Sunday was this past Sunday at church. It was great to share with the first graders about the story. We created Palm Leaves and had a great time. The subject of age came up and when I told them how old I was they said i was old til the lady who works with me stated that she was 14 years older than me and they really thought she was old. It is so funny when first graders think about age etc...
  • Princess went on her first Easter egg hunt on Sunday. Her mommy told me it was fast paced and lots of fun. Princess was not sure what to do when she would pick up an egg she would hold it rather than putting it in her basket. LOL bet she was super cute

Those are my random thoughts what yours? read more here or share your own.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts. Yes as we grow older, especially kids, we find out own ways which may or may not be to the liking of everyone in the family but it's all about individuality. Something we learn from daily. :) I can so picture the Princess too funny


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