Thursday, March 25, 2010

Plan Toys review

Plan Toys is a company that we can all agree on. The great toys that are sold here are green toys created by a green company but are also versatile, hands on learning that all should love. Plan Toys creates toys that will provide hours of hands on learning that helps to promote and grow a child's imagination, physical and intellectual development. Plan Toys believe in the "Three R's" reduce, reuse and recycle. So if you are looking for the perfect toy for your child then you want to look no further than Plan Toys.

We recieved a lovely toy that is perfect for Princess. It was built accordian style and allowed her to crawl on the floor pushing it along making vibration noises or simply to hold and play finger time within the accordian style car. This toy was great as it was made of wood like the great old toys and held Princesses attention for a while. Thank you Plan Toys for allowing me to review a great product of yours.

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