Monday, March 22, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

I must say that both my daughter and princess, and my sister in law and my nephew have all been having lots of fun. It has been such great weather lately and Princess has been able to get outside so while she loved being out there playing ball.....

When she came in she was really thirsty and needed a big drink.

This picture just makes me laugh and I can tell you that my nephew probably loved this. He is such a big boy sitting up on the bike but look at his mommy sitting on the trike. So cute and funny.


  1. The bike pic reminds me of the time my husband thought it would be a good idea to try my little one's new bike. The moment he got on he broke it! Good thing that my son thought it was a great joke. We had to buy him a new one of course!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  2. Adorable. the weather is bringing out the kid in everyone.

    MicroFiction Monday - Sh!

  3. Those are some cute pictures. :-)

  4. I too, love that one of the two bikes! I have pictures of my husband riding a big wheel somewhere - might have to dig those up! :)

    Great job capturing that juice picture - so cute!


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