Monday, March 29, 2010

Mama Guilt Mondays : Picky Eaters

Mama Guilt Mondays is a new meme that I found for all of you who love to get to know other bloggers and see that at times everyone struggles being a mom. Mama Guilt Mondays is hosted by CopMama and today's suggested topic is Picky Eaters. Believe me everyone of my kids love to eat but they all also can be considered picky. In the beginning we tried using the three bite rule then we tried the clean plate award and we even tried the no snack or dessert rule but nothing seemed to work. In the end we decided to let them be able to not eat what they didn't like and we often find ourselves making a meal and an alternative. This is a weak area of ours as when we first started out we said we would never do this. Do you have picky eaters? What do you do?


  1. I'm with you there - we just gave up the fight. My husband would actually dread dinner...break out in a sweat...and everyone ended up crying. It's just easier and everyone is happier when we let them have control of this one thing. :)

  2. Oh yes, we end up doing five or six course meals in our house too!!!

    Thanks for linking up and telling your story!

  3. My son is 11 months so now were not at the picky stage, but I have a feeling we will be doing the same thing!
    Have a great week!

  4. I have a big time picky eater. Today, for the first time, I just let him be. He didn't want to eat so I didn't force him or follow him around like I usually do. He said no, so I sent him to bed without dinner. It's killing me, but I'm hoping he'll learn that he has to eat.


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