Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Green Ideas for St. Patricks Day

St. Patricks Day is just around the corner and one thing that we always liked to do was to create snacks and meals around holidays. Because the main color to St. Patricks day of course is green that will be the theme of my edible ideas:

Some easy to prepare green foods include, green apple slices, green jello, kiwi, green grapes, and lime koolaid. But you may also incorporate green pickles, green beans, green cabbage and green celery.

Clover shaped biscuts can be known as shamrock biscuits. They can be easily prepared by using canned biscuts and letting the kids tear each biscut shape into 3 pieces and then rolling these 3 pieces into little balls and placing into the shape of a shamrock on a cooking sheet. Sprinkle with green sugar and bake as directed on the can. You can also do this with cookie dough and make shamrock cookies.

Leprechaun Punch is easy to make by adding lime sherbert to a glass of sprite or 7up. Just simply add a spoonful of green sherbert into the drink and mix. By the way I saw that the local McDonalds has Shamrock shakes back again. You can make these at home as well by blending one cup of milk and one cup of lime sherbert.

Green food color goes a long way as well. You can add a few drops to milk, mashed potatoes and vanilla ice cream or make a cake with green icing created by mixing vanilla icing with green food coloring

whatever you do to make your St. Patricks day snack or meal remember to have fun.

I shared this on the blog Mom Tried It

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought of the biscuit idea. So easy and simple, my kind of treat!
    Thank you so much for linking up.


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