Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Five Step Daily House Clean

Here is my fast and easy 5 step Daily House Clean:

  1. make the beds, this is easy right after the teens get up remind them to make their beds and I also make mine (remember once a week let the mattress air)

  2. dirty clothes all gathered and ready for laundry then walk the room for trash and dirty dishes, after that quick straightning of rooms last of all sweep the floors if needed

  3. morning dishes and kitchen counters and cabinets

  4. put all dishes away making sure all cabinets are neat so doors will shut

  5. bathroom quick clean

Most days I do other things but these are my steps in a quick clean up


  1. you could save time if you skip #1

  2. Great list of the basics! Thanx

  3. I loved your daily cleaning schedule so much I have added it as a link in my cleaning schedule section of my site.

    You can see the link here:

    Daily Household Cleaning Schedules From Around The Web

    I like how you have narrowed it down to the very basics, which is exactly what we need to focus on!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post