Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fields of Clover

Summer driving will see us going past many fields of clover I love it but my childrens allergies do not.


  1. that field looks refreshing! But not for allergie prone a great day!

  2. That's a beautiful view, but I'm starting to sneeze just looking at the photo! Great shot!

  3. I think it's pretty!! I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day and Outdoor Wednesday :)

  4. Lovely outdoor!
    I have allergy too:) and still in medication.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.
    Have a wonderful springtime.

  5. When I was a little girl, my grandparents' house had a little hill which was covered in clover and my cousins and I used to roll down it. Amazing that we never were stung by the bumble bees! The hill was so pretty. Thank you for the wonderful memories your photo brought back!

    ~ Tracy


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