Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ABC Wednesday K is for Kite

The Letter of the Day for ABC Wednesday is K.....

K is for Kite. I had a butterfly kite that I remember flying with my dad when i was a little girl. Now while it may not have looked like this one what a great memory I have of that great kite


  1. Excellent kite my friend. :)

  2. My brothers had kites, but none so pretty as that one!

    It must be exhilarating to fly one ... I never did.

  3. What glorious kites there are now - I remember making them out of newspaper and balsa wood. Not nearly so attractive! :)

  4. A great example of K
    Thanks so much for contributing
    ABC Team

  5. Lovely kite, not at all like what we had when I was growing up.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!


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