Friday, March 5, 2010

7 quick take friday: hopefull spring is coming

wow this week has went fairly quick here are my 7 quick takes:
  1. We had early morning doctor appointment today and you know what that means breakfast out at McDonald's. Is it not funny how great that hash brown and sausage biscuit that you normally do not eat taste so good on your lips after a night of fasting
  2. I had a good friend share with me that there was incident at her house. Her kids had been sick and the little one got sick and then slipped in the vomit and hit his head. She instantly without thinking said that sh_ _ word that she would not normally say. Her 8 year old son thought that was awful but the worst thing that she had cussed in front of her mother We have all had this type of day but the young man respected his grandmother so much that he thought his mother had committed one of the worst crimes ever
  3. Have you seen them? Those little chicks and rabbits on the shelves? The wonderful peeps that we seem to look forward to each year. The problem is they are so good and not too bad if you at one or two but I happen to love them so much that I normally eat more than that. That is when they become a problem.
  4. Forgiveness is such a great experience. Recently I learned this through friends and a moment of heated debate. Forgiveness is granted and I feel so blessed. The most wonderful forgiveness is that the Lord gave us all.
  5. Little things in the environment are starting to change flowers popping up, grills in back of pickups, music being played by those outside working. These little signs must all be signs that spring is coming. Thank goodness, all though our temps have not caught up all the way I do so look forward to the warm days that hopefully will soon be here
  6. Yesterday I was blessed to find out that there is a blogger that is just a few miles down the road. WOW!!!
  7. Eczema is so bad with the kids right now. I feel so sorry for them. If you all have any ideas on what can work please let me know. thanks

that was my top 7 what are yours?


  1. +JMJ+

    On #6: That's so great! =) I was just thinking about how my favourite bloggers, some of whom I've become friends with, live so far away from me. I'd love to find myself only a short drive away from a fellow blogger.

  2. #7 Have you first tried an elimination diet? The usual culprits are dairy, wheat, citrus, but can include chocolate, peanut, how about soaps or new clothes or bedding? My son used to suffer terribly with this. The dr's wanted him on prescription cream with a black box warning!!! So we started eliminating anything we could think of. I think the cold weather makes a huge difference too. Oh, warm baths are good and then slather with CERAVE lotion afterwards.


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