Friday, February 5, 2010

Take A Spin for quality time and save the children

Frigidaire and Jennifer Garner have teamed up to bring you a chance to help save the children and have fun with your own. The charity Save the Children U.S. is dedicated to help starving children living in the U.S. Frigidaire's new Spin & Win game gives the chance to win gift cards for spending quality time with your children. Simply spin the wheel and spend quality time with your child in activities from spending time reading, creating craft or watching a movie together. The best part is they are giving a prize away a day. Each time the wheel is spun Frigidaire will donate $1 to Save the Children (Frigidaire has committed to donate $250,000 to support Save the Children's Change program.)

So head on over and spin the wheel and feel good about donating a $1 and spending quality time with your children.

Thanks MomSelect for sharing this information with me


  1. Hi Annie, first I'd like to thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog.
    I tried to open the page about this spin and win but it shows an error 404 page. I wonder if it's my computer?

    You have an awesome blog! Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  2. link now fixed please click on the link take a spin

  3. This is a great campaign, they make great products too.

  4. A fun idea to connect with your children and teach them charity at the same time.

    Characters from Sean the Vampire


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