Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday : Cleaning under the bed

Today I took the time to flip the matress and lift up the box springs to clean under my bed It was not bad there but the dust was a mess. I vacumed all that up and found several of my socks that I had lost and both of the slippers to the 2 pairs I could not find the mate too. Yeah!!!

what did you do today?


  1. Wow, I am extremely impressed. I can't even imagine being that dedicated.

  2. Good job! And thanks for the reminder. It has been ages since I have done that. I think Mom's with young babies should be given a checklist of things to accomplish. I can't do it all at once, but I forget what needs to be done.

  3. Nice job! I need to do that too!

  4. Way to go! I will give you my address. lol!!

  5. Maybe I should do this. I have about 5 pairs of socks who are missing their mate and I BET they are under the bed!

  6. i fear cleaning under the bed as it is a storage space for things like the broken drawr we have yet to buy a track for, shoe boxes filled with thiis and that, i see some socks too...and a dog toy.
    you inspire me!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post