Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday 6

1. What is the most extreme weather you’ve experienced where you live in the past week?

about a month ago with nearly 2 weeks of below freezing temps

2. What’s the worst kind of storm you’ve experienced in person?


3. Where are you more likely to get your weather forecast: on TV, on the radio, in the newspaper, or online?

all and we also have a weather radio

4. Do you have access to 24-hour channels like The Weather Channel or WeatherPlus? If so, how often do you watch them?

yes we do and I watch them often

5. Take the quiz: What Kind of Storm Are You?

I am a tornado

6. What’s your favorite kind of food to eat when you’re home on a chilly, rainy day?

grill cheese tomato soup


  1. I've never been in a tornado...thank goodness. That must have been something. And that grilled cheese tomato soup sounds great :)

  2. I love a grill cheese with a tomato on it.


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