Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In "other" Words Tuesdays : Feb 16

This week the host for In "other" Words is Heart Choices. The selected passage is the following:

As I often tell my children in my Sunday School class. The freedom to worship him is not always free. Those in foreign countries often must worship in groups not to let those in charge know they are Christians. Many others do not even know that there is a freedom as great as our Lord Jesus Christ. Our job as Christians is to share the message that we have heard with others.

As a mom of teens I have tried to raise my children to do as they should. I have learned that after our our prayers, our personal actions demonstrating what should be done and faith that they will follow through in their personal lives. They have the freedom to keep the Lord the spotlight of their personal life or to forsake their upbringing and go on with life. They face daily influences from teens, to attractions that they know are not meant for Christians. However, they will find true freedom if they only grasp onto their knowledge of him, the manners of which they have grown and keep their eye on the goal. Perhaps this is the true meaning of the scripture to me. However, this does not only affect teens as in life we all find the obstacles to go on a different path of life rather than the one that we are on that is led by the faith in our Lord. In my own life I have found many obstacles and fallen off the road only to find my way back to the freedom that is granted when we place our lives in our Lords hands.

What do you think?


  1. Great Post! I think we have all fallen off the path at one time or another but the most important thing for me, and the one true constant in my life, is to get right back on :>) Happy Tuesday ♥

  2. Its an awesome thing that our falling off the path or the fears we fight don't have to be the end of us, thanks to the Lord and His love and mercies we can find our way back to Him. He will see us through. Praise the Lord!

  3. This is a beautiful reminder how God wants so much more for and about us and He's not going to let us fall....He's there to pick us up, help us brush off and move forward.

    Great reminder for all.

  4. I hadn't thought of this quote in terms of having the freedom to worship. I find it fascinating that in countries where there is not freedom to worship, the desire to worship God overshadows any fear that believers might have in doing so, even at great risk. Thank you for making me think outside of my own fears.

  5. I loved how you used your teens as an illustration about the freedom we have to make choices in our lives. As adults, we have those same choices. I too have fallen off the path but I'm so thankful for God's mercy, grace and forgiveness.

    Thank you for participating in this week's IOWT.

    Blessings and love,

  6. Lord knows I have strayed more than I wanted to or thought I would, but in finally learning to trust Him and seeing the results of that trust, I just wish I would have done so much sooner. LOL!

  7. You remind me obedience brings peace and of the verse, "His commands are not burdensome." Following His way produces real peace.

  8. Its an awesome thing that our falling off the path or the fears we fight

    Work from home India


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post