Friday, February 12, 2010

I have a frustration that many young mothers will not understand yet. it is the frustration of how much and how long do you help your children. As I have stated I have one married daughter, 2 all ready in college, 2 more ready to go to college and one still in highschool. The expenss of when they were little is nothing like the expenses now. I find myself tightening the belt, making cuts in the budget etc... to continue to pay for my childrens college fees, phones, etc.. I wish there was a sheet somewhere that said how much and for how long we as parents are to pay. I want them to go to school and do good I just need to find a midle of what they need and want and what i am willing to pay for.
what are you frustrated over? share it here


  1. As a Mom to a 19 year old, I sooo can relate. I continually say that these teens are literally breaking the bank! I want both of my boys to be independent, not relying on Mom and Dad. We did our job- now it's up to them to make it happen! Jobs, college, etc...The expenses are much more than when we were their ages!

  2. Hmmm, you'd want to teach the "Facts of Life"? Explain what you mean!!! Like sex ed class?

    I've heard my parents make the same case you're making here-- I'm an only child, and they have been amazing enough to cover just about all the expenses occurred (primarly through my education) up until I got married... but once I did, they cut me loose! My girl is only 17 months old, and already I'm panicking about the costs of her dance classes, college, wedding!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  3. Mine are little, so I haven't been there yet. Though, my folks cut me off about half way when I went to college. I still have the college loans to prove it. I worked my way through to pay for necessities, but my Mom still slipped me a little when I visited for my books, etc.

    My frustration is with a lack of identity. As a young Mom I rarely get dressed up, go out or think about showers. I can't wait till my kiddos can do more for themselves and I feel human again.

  4. Wow. My mom was a single mom and could barely pay her own bills. I was told from the start that college was on my own head. I got as many scholarships and grants as I could. Then a few loans. I bought my own clunker car.
    What a supportive mom you are. I know that you will find the appropriate way to handle things. You are a great mom. :-)

  5. As a mom of two preschoolers, I not quite where you are yet. It's got to be a difficult decision. I do wish sometimes we had instructions as parents to make sure we are always making the right choices in raising our children. I hope something clicks for you and it all falls into place.


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