Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heart Monster Craft for todlers and preschoolers

This is a fun project for you to do with your tiddler and preschooler.

Heart Monster

•Pink, red, and white paper
•Glue stick
•Markers or crayons

Cut out various sized hearts from the pink, white and red paper (do this for toddlers and younger preschoolers)
At least one large heart for a head
◦5+ small hearts for eyes, nose, ears, horns...
◦5+ medium hearts for hands, feets, mouth
2.Cut several strips of each color of paper
◦Younger preschoolers can practice their cutting skills by helping (draw lines for them to follow across a sheet of paper)
Allow your child to be creative while creating her “monster”
◦Show her how to fold the strips of paper back and forth to make accordion arms and legs
◦Talk about what body parts “monsters” might have that we don’t

We made these when my children were younger and they were so much fun. It is a good idea to have the parts ready for the younger ones to glue on. While the older children can simply cut out their own shapes by their selves. This new meme will be on Tuesdays and is called Try and Tell and is hosted by Kim @ Mom Tried It


  1. This is very cute...if the snow stops falling and my daycare kids come back, we'll have to do this in a preschool session this week!

  2. That is really cute. I love how you incorporated learning into it, too.
    Thank you so much for linking up.

  3. So cute! My daughter would love this.


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