Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gratituesday : the kids are back in school

I am thankful today that the kids headed back to school. After being home a whole week they finally headed back to school. Do you know what having 4 teenagers home for a week when you did not buy supplies to feed those children due to the cabinets, pantry, fridge and freezer? Well not as bad as what I thought it would be actually. Somehow we kept going and every day there was snacks, meals and extras. I thank all of those who have taught me to keep a well stocked pantry and to cook those frugal meals. Many of those that I learned so much from have blogs. Yes bloggers have lives and know how to live life.

This past Sunday was Youth Sunday. i thank God for all the wonderful youth who took over in the places of the adults who normally fill the positions. It may be these very youth that one day will actually lead the music, the preaching etc... Thank God that their hearts are prepared to accept whatever may come their way.

what are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Is it too early for me to long to send my kiddos off to school? Okay, maybe things aren't that bad, but I feel like a personal servant to my 2 little munchkins sometimes and long for a little peace & quiet.


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