Thursday, February 11, 2010

Boogie Wipes $2 coupon

Boogie Wipes is offering a $2 off coupon on any 30 ct. pack of Boogie Wipes. Our favorites are the grape ones. But Princess' mommy loves to use Boogie Wipes over regular tissues. They are softer like lil wipes and have saline which actually helps when you have a cold. If you want to take advantage of this $2 off coupon go here


  1. This is a very interesting product. I'll look for it for my grandson.

    A New Old Fairy Tale

  2. I love Boogie Wipes! We keep a stash of them around the house and in my diaper bag. Because they are just saline wipes, they are really multi purpose. And when I have had a chapped nose I have been known to snag a bag for myself!


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