Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Brothers

here is a picture of my nephews. Let me tell you these two little guys are best friends and hopefully will be throughout their lives.
shared at:

B is the letter of the day at ABC wednesday as well so I am entering my post on brothers.


  1. Oh they are so cute. I think they will. ^_^

    ABC: Bean

  2. Never had a brother. Wonder what that would have been like?

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you. – Ramblin’ with Roger

  3. They are so cute but boys will be boys and they tend to not be so close growing up and then after the antagonizing is done, they go back to being great friend. Trust me, my brother is 3 years younger than me. :) Been there, done that :)

  4. Brothers of the best kind! Handsome kiddies!


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