Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snowman craft

This is a great craft that in my opinion is suitable for school age children and teens.

White Buttons - Use buttons with only 2 holes


•Craft Foam

•Magnets or Pin backing

•Paint Brush

•Acrylic Paint

•Craft Glue


Secure the two buttons together as if in a snowman shape. This may be easier done with a glue gun but tacky glue will work as well. Use the ribbon to create a scarf that covers where the buttons were glued together. Create a nose for the snowman out of orange construction paper so that it resembles a carrot nose. Create a hat for the snowman out of construction paper as well. This is where creativity comes in as all hats do not have to look alike. Using acrylic paint create a face for the snowman. Be creative and decorate the snowman the way you want it to look. Here in this house I am sure we would have a football snowman somehow as my son is a football fan

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