Saturday, January 16, 2010

Small Talk 6:

Today’s topic is “6 pieces of clothing or accessories you’ve owned, loved, and wished would come back in style.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc

of course I would also like the body that I had back then before any children.
I used to love my parachute pants. I had a couple of different pairs of them and loved them

I sometimes wish leg warmers were still in style because now days my calfs get so cold if they were in style I would have no problem with pulling a pair on

Me and my friends loved those off the shoulder sweatshirts they were not only comfortable but made us look cool as well.

I remember taking my fathers long sleeve white shirt out of my fathers closet and wearing it with a small shirt underneath as well. It was the messy but neat way to look cool in the 1980s

Denim which is still sort of in fashion was big in the 1980s. With denim jackets and blue jeans

I can also remember the girls wearing belly shirts and short shorts it was on more than one occasion that we got in trouble for this one


  1. You'll be happy to know those leg warmers are back in style ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  2. A wonderful list of six. :) My niece wears leg warmers all the time too. I too wish I had the same body I did in the 80s. ;) One of my favorite items back in the 80s were the little mesh shirts that I could put under anything. I also loved cropped jackets and bolero hats. :) Have a great day!

  3. Oh heck yeah...Flashdance off the shoulder shirts!! Love it!!

  4. Hi Annie, yes, I will be glad for you too! We will get ours tomorrow, into the sixty's.
    Happy 6WS! Thanks for peeking in on me. I don't think you stuck up for me much, they were giving me he Dickens!


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