Saturday, January 30, 2010

Show My Face:

The weather man predicted it, we were not sure how much if any, but yet we got our snow. So in honor of the snow my 6 word sentence is:

We Got Our Snow : 6 Inches


  1. Wow!! My kids have seen snow like twice in their lives!

  2. I'm happy if you're happy! I sure wouldn't want that snow down here in Southeast Texas. :)
    Happy 6WS! I'm glad you thought my chow would be good.

  3. I will trade you for snow! The ice is coating and looks pretty as long as you don't try to walk on it.

  4. We had about 4 inches - and several hours of sleet and freezing rain. I'm glad we don't have to go anywhere anytime soon because I have a feeling it's a real mess out there.

    Thanks for playing 6WS and stay safe!

  5. We've only got a couple inches on the ground right now, but I'm getting a feeling that winter isn't done with New England just yet! Enjoy your snow ~ and thanks for visiting my blog on six word saturday!

  6. We only got about 3 or 4 inches....but that was enough.

    I am ready for Spring!


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