Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In "other" Words Tuesdays

It's "In Other Words Tuesday" and Esthermay of The Heart of a Pastor's Wife is our host. She has chosen the following quote straight from the Bible for us to write about today.

With my heart on not only my teens but the teens that I know and the many that I do not know I thought I would share my thoughts of life related to this verse. Life is full of many struggles for all of us. Teens are by no way the exception. They go from being coddled in early life to having to stand alone in the teen years. In no way is this a peaceful transition as they deal with many factors both on the inside of them as well as what they face on the outside as well. The sword is tool used in battle and the battle of life is no different. For if we equip our children with the knowledge that they need they will have a tool to use in the face of battle. God knew that when he sent his son to the Earth that the battle would be fought hard and he knew the outcome before it ever came to pass.

I have seen my teens battle through their teen years. They were not only years of tears and fears but also having the strength to stand up. My son has told me of the various parties that he has been invited to and not went. I often worried as their mother about their social life and why they did not go hang out with friends.Yes they had friends but they did not go to the Friday night parties. I pray that they will continue along this path of strenght. They have stood up for theirselves and stated that they choose not to do certian things while sorrounding their selves around friends that did the same. In all of this they have not became a popular kid but they have became leaders in thier own cirles and invited all those that wanted to join in. I do not mean to brag but a mothers heart with this is very proud. I see other teens in my childrens circle doing the same sort of thing. These young people all have been equipped with the tools of battle and can walk strong keeping the word of their Lord in their hearts. This becomes a very peaceful world for them.


  1. So important to equip our children for the battle ahead. Great challenging post. Thank you!

  2. Annie, I'm sure your heart longs for your children to have a good experience as teens. And yet, they have chosen the hard path to follow Jesus. You are doing right.

    I wanted to mention a book for teens that a friend has highly recommended. It's called "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. You can find it on amazon. There's even a video on amazon with the authors which will give you an idea about this book. It's for teens and I think you would love it.

    Blessings and I love that you joined in today,

  3. I'm proud of your kids and thankful God has given them wisdom to choose what is better.

  4. Wow. This verse made me think of my teenager too! It's great to hear that your kids are making good choices. Thank you for participating in IOW.

  5. Living for Christ as a teen grows more and more scary with each passing decade. God's heart must be broken to see the culture that our precious teenagers must endure and fight against when they choose to follow Him. . . .

    They need constant prayer and support. You've challenged all parents with this post.

    Thank you,


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post