Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am thankful today for the ER where my son goes to school. My son has been suffering with bad back pain for quite some time. We found out today that he has a tumor. That is not what we are thankful for of course what we are thankful for is that they found it. At this time they believe it is a non cancerous fat tumor we will know more on Tuesday when he goes to see a doctor who specializes in this But for right now I want to praise God for what he has done for my son in his 21 years of life, that there is a doctor who found the cause of his pain, and Thank Him in advance that he will protect and care for my son in an area that I know little about.


  1. Please know my friend, that my thoughts are with you and please think positive about this. I'm sure it will all be okay. I send you much aloha and sunshine :)

  2. Annie, What a profound post. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You have a wonderful, positive outlook on life and I am sure with you by his side, your son will get exactly what he needs.
    God bless you and your family.


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