Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday 9

1. What to you is the most joyous aspect of the holidays?

I love the christmas eve service at church

2. Do you get much snow where you live? If yes, do you enjoy winter sports like skiing or would you rather stay in by the cozy fire?

at times we get lots of snow that I used to love getting out in but now it is so cold that I would rather stay in

3. Have you ever been on a sleigh ride or a carriage ride? Do you even like horses?

been on sleigh ride and carriage ride and I love horses

4. During the busy week, what do you do to relax?

relax? what is that? I guess the most I get is when I blog

5. Do you get stressed during the holidays?

yes at times if I can not stay up on what is going on

6. What holiday song could you happily never hear again?

this is the song that never ends .....

7. How do you decide on what present you pick for a person?

their personality, what they ask for, what they need

8. What does this holiday season mean to you and why?

It means alot not only that my Savior was born on this wonderful night but that my father gathers and we all enjoy a peaceful visit

9. What holiday movies best describe the season for you and why?

The Christmas Story


  1. Ooh I have never been on a sleigh ride. What's it like?

  2. I've never been on a real sleigh ride. I think it would be a blast :) Have a good one :)


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