Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rudolph Reindeer Ornament Using Childs Hand and Feet

I found the Holly Bloggy a bit late as you can tell this is my first day but I am so glad that I found it. Today is the craft day and it is being hosted by Blue Eyed Blessings. You should go over and visit

They won't stay long forever but this ornament will help you remember when their hand and feet were so small.

Start by tracing your child's foot on the brown construction paper (or perhaps trace their shoe.)
Trace both of your child's hands on black construction paper. Go around every finger so that your antlers will have many points. Now cut out the tracings. (This is fun for a todler to practice cutting with just a bit of assistance from mom The snagly edges are great signs that the chid created the craft as well) Glue the hand tracings to the "top" of the reindeers head (the front part of the foot) with antlers up. Now create his face using pompoms, googly eyes, construction paper or crayons. The choice is yours and the fun is yours to have.


  1. This is so great! I love handprint/footprint crafts. It preserves their tiny feet for a time. We are actually making these today, but we're using paint! Smart idea? We'll see... ;)

    Glad to see you join us for the Christmas bash! (No matter how late!)

  2. That is super cute! I love it! If we have time I might make that in the next week or so. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  3. This is cute. We used googly eyes on ours, but I like the kid cut eyes too.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my "house" :o) Happy Holly Bloggy Christmas :o)

  5. we did these a few days ago. Instead we painted her hands brown and used handprints as antlers

  6. SO cute! I will be doing this with my kids for sure! Thanks! =)

  7. This craft is fun even for older kids and they can do it alone. My 7 year old just did it last week- her rudolf turned out cute!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

    Stopped over from Blue Eyed Blessings. My kid craft-

  8. This craft is fun even for older kids and they can do it alone. My 7 year old just did it last week- her rudolf turned out cute!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

    Stopped over from Blue Eyed Blessings. My kid craft-

  9. Oh that is so cute! My kids are getting older, the youngest is almost 11, but I still love seeing the little one's projects!

  10. Thanks for sharing a really very nice article i like your blog too much


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