Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Random Thoughts

We are so super close to christmas we are on that 10 day countdown. We have been so busy and tommorow night is my nephews play at school. How super cute he will look. His mommy has been looking for that perfect Christmas outfit. I remember those days and now my children are all older they still like to look good. My daughter dressed up today for her finals at school I think it was to make her feel a bit better. She left her feeling and looking great in her outfit part of which was new and part of which she had bought on sale.

I am having a bit of a problem with teenage rebellion. I have watched my oldest two travel through this and now my midle child is following those same lines. I just pray that this will past as easily as it did with the other two. We will have to see wish me luck on this one

I was so happy when my son complimented me on the way I decorated the living room. This makes a mother feel great about things when her 17 year old pays a compliment like that.

What are the random thoughts that you have? Want to share them? Head over to the UnMom and share away.


  1. Aww the joys of having a teenager. :) I'm glad your son complimented you on your decorations. WTG!!! :)

  2. It's hard enough having one teenager, I don't know how I'll survive when the other three pass that threshold. I might have to move out on a temporary basis. Happy Tuesday.


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