Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random Thought Tuesday


My mind is wandering on this Tuesday morning to all those that go without. With all the hustling and bustling we do this holiday season are there those that get overlooked? I know that our family helps with food baskets, serves food to the needy and other wise help all that we can. I never let an outfit that my children outgrow go to waste as we live down the road from families that are on fixed incomes. If we see someone in the need then we try to help all that we can. My sister has a mental disorder and we try to share the spirit with her friends as well. It is very hard when we see those we love go through hard times but perhaps if we share just a bit of the joy we have then maybe they will be a bit happier as well.

Life is getting a bit easier in some aspects for me and yet in others stays rough. While my nephews that are staying with us have started to love the structure of a schedule it is still a strugle at times. When my nephew went and grabbed is blanket without being told to and lay on the couch to take a nap I must say it did my heart good. Do any of you feel happy inside when the little ones you take care of do as expected?

I went with my sister in law and brother to watch the Lights parade on Saturday night. I missed last years parade but this year was so super fun. The little ones all enjoyed it and we did as well. While it was a bit chilly I am glad that we went and watched the parade. This Thursday night is the Lights parade here in the town where I live and I know it will be so cold and possibly rainy. I hope that my teens all dress warm enough to stay warm.

Princess has been officially broke from the bottle. She is 15 months old and is done with the bottle. Any tips here would be great. She did pick up her paci which she had not used for some time. My daughter called the other night and was afraid that she was not eating and drinking as much as she should be.

These are the top thoughts on my mind at this time what are yours? Share them in the meme on the Un Mom Blog

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful thoughts my friend.I'm glad the nephews are doing well :) Have a wonderful week :)


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