Saturday, December 5, 2009

Miley Cyrus feelings on New Moon

My daughter loves both Miley Cyrus and New Moon but the feelings between Cyrus and New Moon is not so loving. Cyrus has stated that she will never see the New Moon movie and that she does not like vampires at all. Miley has even went as far as saying that she does not like the Twilight craze at all. The whole New Moon issue is one that Miley Cyrus will try to avoid at all cost.


or a balance of them both. While my daughter personally likes both she is not a fanatic that jumps on the bandwagon with either the vampire look or the whole Miley Cyrus scenario.

what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I like some of Miley's music -- but I much prefer the Twilight Saga!!


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post